List of United States-Mexico Border Crossings | Mexpro

List of United States-Mexico Border Crossings

Your car is all packed, you've purchased your Mexican auto insurance online, and now you are ready to head to Mexico for a much needed beach vacation.

The one thing you’ve not planned is your route to Mexico. An important factor in mapping your drive is knowing where the closest border crossing, between you and your Mexican destination, is located. Here you'll find the crossings in each U.S. state relative to the bordering Mexican states. In addition find border crossings where you can buy a temporary vehicle importation permit for travel outside the Mexico Free Zone.

Arizona – Sonora

Arizona borders the northern Mexico state of Sonora.

California – Baja California

California borders the Mexican state of Baja California, Mexico. It is also known as the Baja Peninsula.

New Mexico – Chihuahua

New Mexico only borders the Mexican State of Chihuahua. There are only three border crossings.

Texas Border Crossings

Texas shares borders with four Mexican states. Most of these require you to cross an International bridge that spans the Rio Grande river.

Texas – Chihuahua

Texas – Coahuila

Texas – Nuevo León

Texas – Tamaulipas

Before choosing your route and depending on how long it will take you to get to the border, you may want to check border crossing times before you go. Get current border crossing wait times at

Border Crossings With Banjercito Locations (Vehicle Importation Permits)

If you are driving outside the Mexico Free Zone you will need a vehicle import permit. These can be obtained at the following border points:

Arizona Border Crossings

Arizona shares borders only with the Mexican state of Sonora. If you are only traveling in Sonora, outside the Free Zone, you can get a Sonora Only Temporary Importation Permit. Get more information on Arizona border crossings on our blog.

California Border Crossings

California only shares a border with the Baja Peninsula and Temporary Importation Permits (TIPs) are not required in Baja. However, if you are also traveling outside of Baja, including taking a ferry to the mainland, you should get a TIP at one of these locations. Get more information on California border crossings on our blog.

New Mexico Border Crossings

You will need a Temporary Importation Permit (TIP) if you travel 13 miles beyond the U.S./Mexico border with New Mexico. Get more information on New Mexico border crossings on our blog.

Texas Border Crossings

You will need a Temporary Importation Permit (TIP) if you travel 13 miles beyond the U.S./Mexico border with Texas. Get more information on Texas border crossings on our blog.



Nuevo León


Get more information on the need for and obtaining a Vehicle Importation Permit on our website.