7 Reasons to Buy Mexican Car Insurance Online | Mexpro

7 Reasons to Buy Mexican Car Insurance Online

If you're planning on driving your car to Mexico, your mind might be on all the fun and relaxation you're expecting to have there. But before you go, you need to focus on the logistics of traveling by car, and this includes buying Mexican car insurance.

Not only is car insurance for Mexico required, but it's also extremely important to have if you get into a car accident there.

Thankfully, buying Mexican auto insurance online is a breeze, and it can be done from the comfort of your home before you go or on your cell while driving there. Here are seven reasons why you should buy Mexican car insurance online versus buying it at the border.

  1. Convenience

    There are typically three different options for buying Mexican auto insurance. You can buy it online, over the phone, or you can buy it at the border before or after you cross into Mexico.

    Buying online is by far the most convenient option, because:

    • You can do it from anywhere in the world, and you don't have to wait in line or deal with any of the hassles of buying it at the border.
    • You can buy coverage 24/7. You don't have to purchase during business hours.
    • You can buy your policy and be on your way in just a few minutes.
    • You can research insurance companies and choose the most reliable.
    • You can shop around and look for the best prices.
    • If you forget to buy it, you can buy it on your cell phone while driving to Mexico.
    • You will have insurance coverage as soon as you cross the border.

    When you're at the border, there are plenty of places to buy Mexican auto insurance, but it's not always clear which one is offering the best deal, or if the policies are provided by an insurer you can trust.

  2. Choice

    When you buy Mexican car insurance online, you have a wide range of options to choose from. You can compare policies and prices from different insurers to find the right one for you.

    So, whether you're going on a day trip or an extended vacation, you can be sure you have the right coverage and price for your situation.

  3. Speed

    Purchasing Mexican car insurance online is quick and easy. In just a few minutes, you can be insured and on your way to Mexico. No waiting in lines, finding parking places, or dealing with pushy salespeople. Just pick the plan you want and get started on your trip.

    It's also important to know how quickly an insurance adjuster will be dispatched after you report a car accident. How long will you be waiting at the scene of an accident?

  4. Confidence

    If you buy your Mexican car insurance at the border, you may not be fully covered. That's because many border-based insurers only offer basic liability insurance coverage, without some of the important extras that can come in handy if you have an accident like physical damage coverage, vandalism and theft, towing, legal assistance, etc. And if something does happen, you may have to deal with language barriers and other complications when trying to file a claim.

    When you buy Mexican car insurance online, on the other hand, you can and be sure you're getting comprehensive coverage from a reputable company.

    You can also often find better rates than you would at the border.

    Many fly-by-night insurance companies operate at the border, and it can be difficult to know if you're getting a good deal from them. When you buy online, you can do some research on the company and make sure that they're legitimate before you buy a policy.

    If you do have an accident, and you're insured with Mexpro, an agent will be available when you call your insurer - no matter what time of day or night it is.

  5. Ease of Use

    For first-time buyers, buying Mexican auto insurance online is often the easiest option.

    Mexpro's website was designed with the user in mind, to make it fast and easy to get a quote and purchase a policy. As a matter of fact, you can do it in just minutes if you have your driver's license and U.S. or Canadian insurance policy information on hand when you begin your quote.

    If you are a repeat customer with Mexpro, it's even easier to buy a policy online. Just log into our system and all your vehicle information is available. You can purchase your policy without having to fill out the entire quote form again.

    After you purchase a policy all your insurance paperwork is available electronically. We send you a username and password when you buy from Mexpro. We recommend you print out your policy and keep it with you, but if you lose it, it's easily available online.

    Buying Mexican car insurance at the border can be more time-consuming. You will need to find a Mexican insurance office to get a quote and purchase a policy. You may have to wait in line. And you only have one policy document. If you lose it, it's gone.

  6. No Language Barriers

    If you buy Mexican car insurance at the border or in the interior of Mexico, there may be language barriers that make it difficult for you to understand the agent and/or the policy. You can expect your policy to be written in Spanish, and your claims agent will likely only speak Spanish.

    When you buy online from Mexpro, your policy will be in English and Spanish, so that you can understand your coverage and easily find important phone numbers.

    Mexpro's founders negotiated with Mexican insurers to provide bilingual services to our customers. So, our claims agents and adjusters are bilingual. If you need to use your policy, you'll be confident knowing you can communicate with your insurance representatives.

    Mexpro's licensed customer service representatives are also bilingual and have extensive experience in the Mexico insurance industry. They are available by phone or email to answer your questions. If they don't have the answer, they will find it.

  7. Security

    When you buy Mexican car insurance online, your personal information is securely encrypted, ensuring that your data is always protected. In addition, Mexpro does not have access to your credit card information.

    Buying Mexican auto insurance at the border can be a risky proposition, as you have no way of knowing if your personal information is safe.

    By buying online, you can be sure that your information is secure and that you're getting the best possible rate.

    Overall, buying Mexican auto insurance online is a safer and more convenient option than buying at the border.

When it comes to buying Mexican car insurance online, there are many reasons why you should consider doing so. Shopping for Mexican insurance online is simple and gives you more flexibility to choose the coverage that is right for you.

Perhaps the biggest reason to buy online is that it's fast, easy, and convenient. You can simply purchase a policy online in just a few minutes, and you don't have to leave the comfort of your home, office, or car.

Mexpro's online platform makes it easy to compare rates from several different A-rated insurance companies and find the best policy and price to meet your needs in just minutes!

Now that you know the benefits of buying Mexican car insurance online, it's time to get started, buy your policy from Mexpro now.

Happy and safe travels!