Sonora Only Mexican Vehicle Import Permit | Mexpro

Sonora ONLY Vehicle Import Permit

The Sonoran cities of Rocky Point (Puerto Peñasco), Guaymas, San Carlos, Hermosillo, Bahia de Kino, Caborca, Father Kino Missions, Magdalena and Santa Ana are all located in the Mexico Free Zone and Vehicle Import Permits are not required for travel to these destinations.

If you plan to drive further than kilometer 98 and/or East of Mexican Federal Highway No. 15, you will need to purchase a temporary importation permit (TIP) to legally drive in Mexico. If you are only traveling in the Mexican state of Sonora, you can purchase a 'Sonora Only' TIP at a reduced cost.

You can only buy a Sonora-Only TIP for your auto (not available for RV and boat/watercraft).

Please note: Mexpro has no affiliation, authority or connections with Banjercito.

Your Options for Buying a Sonora Temporary Import Permit

Via the Internet

This method is recommended by Mexico's TIP issuing agency, Banjercito, as it will allow you to pass through the border more quickly. However, when you purchase online you will pay more than if you purchase at the border. Online, the TIP costs the same as a regular TIP ($45.00 USD). The price can vary depending on the peso exchange rate and will likely increase from time to time.

You must get your FMM online prior to getting your TIP. Remember, even though you have obtained your FMM online, you must still stop at the border and get it stamped to make it valid. Bring your receipt for proof of payment.

Apply online on the Banjercito Website. After submitting the required documents and paying with your non-Mexican credit card or cash. You will be sent an email with your Sonora Import Permit. Keep the email and a print out the permit in the event you are asked for it in Mexico.

At the Border

When you arrive at the U.S./Mexico border, look for Aduana, which is where you purchase your TIP. Be sure you have the required documents and your credit card. The cost is about $30.00 USD. The price can vary depending on the peso exchange rate and will likely increase from time to time.

After buying your permit, you will immediately receive an email with your permit, and Banjercito will give you a paper copy with your receipt. Keep the email, print out, and receipt in the event you are asked for it while driving in Mexico.

You will still need to get a tourist permit or FMM.

At a Mexican Consulate in the U.S.

You can also buy a permit at one of the following Mexican consulates in the U.S.

  • Arizona: Phoenix
  • California: Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Sacramento
  • Colorado: Denver
  • Illinois: Chicago
  • New Mexico: Albuquerque
  • Texas: Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston

You Should Know

  • You can purchase your TIP between 10 and 60 days before your departure.
  • You do not need to have a certificate of canceled permit, as this information should now be online. However, it is a good idea to carry a copy just in case there is a question.
  • In the event your TIP is requested while driving in Mexico, you will need to show your permit on your phone to the officer. You should keep a printed copy with you in the event there is no Internet.
  • You can drive back and forth across the border as many times as you wish during the length of your permit (180 days).
  • You must cancel and surrender your permit at an approved Banjercito TIP return location on the border. This is how Mexico knows the vehicle has left the country. You CANNOT cancel a TIP online. There is no automatic cancelation.
  • You CANNOT renew a permit online. You must surrender your TIP and get a new one. This can only be done at the Mexico border.
  • A Temporary Importation Permit (TIP) can ONLY be obtained through Mexico's Banjercito government agency. Mexpro has no affiliation, authority or connections with this organization.

If you have further questions, please see our temporary importation permit FAQ page.