My First-Time in Mexico – Rocky Point

My First-Time in Mexico – Rocky Point

Lovers holding hands, walking on Sandy Beach in Rocky Point, MexicoMy boyfriend Jake and I were a little nervous and hesitant when we made our first journey to Mexico. And our anxiety worsened as we got closer and closer to the border.

On a Saturday morning we left our home in Flagstaff, Arizona around 8 a.m. and made our way down through Phoenix, Gila Bend, then the final small towns of Ajo and Why before coming to the border.

We passed two different checkpoints where we only had to slow down to a stop. There an official took a good look at us and asked where we were headed. After explaining we were going to Puerto Penasco, they wished us safe travels and told us to enjoy our vacation.

Our next stop was the border crossing in Lukeville (US side) and Sonoyta (Mexico side). We pulled up to the large arch-covered roadway where we got in line. We only waited for about 5 minutes before it was our turn only to be waived through – who thought it would be that easy to enter Mexico?!

The drive from the border to Puerto Penasco was particularly calming and relaxing. I oddly felt at home when driving through, as much of the landscaping reminded me of home (the Reservation near Flagstaff.)

When we arrived to our hotel, Penasco Del Sol, we rushed to park the car and check-in. All I could think about, when waiting to get checked-in, was running to our room, dropping off the luggage, and taking off to the beach. That's exactly what happened after a quick 45-minute power nap. It was impossible to not give-in to the comfy, king-sized bed in our room.

Sandy Beach Rocky Point MexicoOur walk to the beach was just a hop and skip away. All sorts of vendors were on the beach selling food, souvenirs, clothing, and other goodies. We walked along the shore enjoying the sand beneath our feet and the sound of a mariachi band playing in a distance. By this time, it was evening and the sun was setting. I couldn't help but keep looking at the sky as we walked back to the hotel. I had never seen a sunset more beautiful.

The following day we decided not to plan on doing any activities, but rather just explore nearby and relax. Our day began with an amazing breakfast at the hotel's restaurant, Miguel's. Jake got the buffet whereas I got an order of French toast and fresh fruit. It was delicious.

Next, we scouted the areas near the hotel for a place to have lunch at later, and also a bar to visit that evening. We came across a café, and a bar and grill that were literally just across the street from the hotel. After making note of them, we headed to the pool to cool down a bit.

We stayed at the pool for hours while Jake conversed with others on vacation, and I had fun swam and played pool volleyball with a group of kids.

Rocky Point Mexico GraffitiLater that evening, we went to Southside Jilz and had drinks. A live band played covers of popular music and there was a fire pit, horseshoes, billiards, ping-pong and even a huge Jenga set. Everyone there was having a good time, as were we. I was bummed that this was our last night in Mexico – time went by so fast, I didn't want it to end.

Although our trip was short, it was definitely one to remember. From waking up to the smell of the ocean, to enjoying a nice cold margarita on the beach at sunset, to the friendly people—we were never disappointed. I'm already planning our next trip to Mexico, but this time for at least a whole week.