Tips On Crossing The Border And Traveling In Mexico Care Free | Mexpro

Tips On Crossing The Border And Traveling In Mexico Care Free

Car packed for the beach and with dog

Professional Photographer, Raechel Running, is an artist in Residence in Casas Grandes, Chihuahua. She spends about half her time there and half her time in her U.S. home of Flagstaff, Arizona. She recently provided some tips on traveling to Mexico trouble-free.

Raechel explained, "Things are already intense on the border, and those guys have a hard job. People tend to be much more confrontational these days. All the border patrol people, on both sides, need our support whether we agree with the border politics or not. We can help make their job easier and get through the border faster by cooperating, smiling and saying 'thank you'."

Raechel's Advice for Smooth Border Crossing.

Raechel Offered More Tips for Traveling to the Interior of Mexico

"I think following these tips will help greatly in making things go more smoothly on both sides of the border," Raechel said.

We would like to thank Raechel Running for these great Mexico travel tips and wish her happy travels. We will report more on her adventures in the near future.

Raechel Running ( is a professional photographer and activist supporting cultural, educational, and conservation efforts on the borderlands to raise awareness of our shared history of the borderlands and preserving the culture of Mexico.

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