More Expatriate Insights - The Book

More Expatriate Insights - The Book

Expatriate GuideGeorge Puckett just finished his e-book Mexico-More Expatriate Insights. The Sequel is a continuation of the original book, Mexico-Expatriate Insights. Retirement locations not included in the first version are included in the sequel, with tons of information on living in Mexico.

This e-book, full of invaluable information, sells for only $5.99 but you can have it this weekend for FREE! For the next three days (November 2-4 - Saturday, Sunday, Monday) you can get a free download of More Expatriate Insights for free on

In this most recent edition (and now in the first edition) is a chapter on Mexico Auto Insurance written by Mexpro's very own Roxanna McDade.

Download Mexico-More Expatriate Insights on

Download Mexico-Expatriate Insights on