The Green Angels: Roadside & Emergency Assistance in Mexico
- Last Updated: April 18, 2023 by Roxanna Brock McDade
- Categories:
- Driving to Mexico, Roadside Assistance
Most folks know what Roadside Assistance is...but what about while you are in Mexico? Well, in Mexico, roadside assistance is offered by the Ángeles Verdes, or Green Angels as they are known to English speakers. They travel Mexican Federal Highways looking for and providing medical and mechanical assistance to those in need, no matter your nationality.
Who Are the Green Angels?
In 1960 the Ángeles Verdes organization was formed with the purpose of providing travel information, mechanical assistance, and medical help for nationals and tourists, as well as aiding in natural and other unforeseen disasters.
Mexico's Secretaría de Turisimo (SECTUR), the Mexican Government's Ministry of Tourism, oversees the Green Angels Corporation.
Modern communication technology allows the Angels to be easily reached and either answer your travel questions or dispatch help. Their well-maintained trucks are stocked with medical and mechanical equipment allowing them to quickly provide the assistance you might need.
What Services Do They Provide?
The Green Angels offer the following services:
- Telephone Support offering basic travel information like road conditions or local tourist attractions
- Towing
- Mechanical Assistance/Vehicle Repairs/Flat Tire Service
- Medical/First Aid Help
- Emergency/Accident Aid
- Disaster Assistance
How Do I Find the Green Angels When I Need Them?
If you are on a Mexican Federal Highway or Toll Road you can reach the Green Angels simply by calling "078".
They are available 24 hours a day by phone, but may not be available during the evening—it is not recommended to drive in Mexico after nightfall.
The Angels also patrol the highways and toll roads. Just leave the hood of your car up, signaling you need assistance. You will see them in green, or white with green trucks.
Emergency Toll-Free Phone Numbers On Some Mexican Roadways.
Baja Toll Roads:
- Mexico 1D Toll Road from Tijuana to Ensenada: 800 990 3900
- Mexico 2D Toll Road from El Hongo to La Rumorosa : 800 990 3900
- Mexico 2D Toll Road from Tijuana to Tecate Toll Road: 800 888 0911
Rocky Point:
- Highway 8 Sonoyta to Rocky Point: 800 841 1801 or 066
(See our article & video on using your cell phone in Mexico.)
Most assistance provided by the Green Angels is not available while on other roadways. You may, however, be able to get travel information.
What If I Don't Speak Spanish?
No problem, the Green Angels are bilingual.
How Much Does It Cost to Use the Green Angels?
The Green Angels' services are free, including towing and mechanical assistance. However, parts needed to repair a vehicle, and gas or oil must be paid for.
Tipping is a good practice for those utilizing these services.
Wrap Up
What do You do if You Have a Roadside Emergency or Vehicle Trouble in Mexico?
- If you are on a Federal Highway or Toll Road you call the Ángeles Verdes (Green Angels), dial "078" to report your issue.
- Lift the hood of your car and wait for the green, or green and white, truck to arrive and help you.
- The Angeles Verdes are bilingual.
- Don't forget to give a tip after being helped.
The Green Angels also provide tourist assistance including road conditions, tourist attractions in the area, and directions.
We hope you have a safe and trouble-free trip to Mexico, but if you do have troubles, the Green Angels can help.
Mexpro also offers roadside assistance while on all roads in Mexico through our MexVisit® travel assistance product, included on all our policies, whether liability or full coverage.