How to File an Insurance Claim in Mexico | Mexpro

How to File an Insurance Claim in Mexico

When you purchase Mexican auto insurance, you obviously hope never to actually have to use it. Accidents, unfortunately, can happen anytime and to anyone. In such situations, it is important to know the right steps to follow for filing an insurance claim.

Below, you'll learn the exact four-step process you must follow to file a Mexican auto insurance claim:

Understand the Requirements

Car Accident Cell PhoneThere are a few things you should know before you can start the claim filing process:

Keeping these guidelines in mind, let's look at the actual steps you need to follow to file a Mexican auto insurance claim.

Step 1: Stay calm and assess the damage

Even though an accident can be a traumatic experience, it's important that you stay calm and collected. Your first step should be to assess the damage completely. Make careful note of everything that needs repair or replacement. Try to record this damage with your phone camera.

It's also important that you not leave your vehicle unless told so by the adjuster or the police.

Step 2: Call the insurance company

Every Mexican auto insurance policy will come with a contact number for the insurance company. Make sure you have the following information handy when you call the company:

At no point should you admit responsibility for the accident. You should also not discuss the accident with anyone except the police and the adjuster. You might be directed to call the police as well depending on the nature of the accident.

All Mexpro insurance carriers provide bilingual claims agents. This removes the need for intermediaries and makes the process a lot smoother.

Step 3: Wait for the adjuster and provide information

After a claim is reported, the insurer sends a bilingual adjuster to communicate who will file an Adjuster's Report. Depending on your location, this may take several hours.

When the adjuster arrives, make sure to provide him or her with the necessary documents, such as:

Give the adjuster a brief overview of the accident. The adjuster will check the extent of the damage and file an Adjuster's Report. Depending on the nature of the accident, you may also need to provide a police report.

Step 4: Follow the adjuster's advice

Once the adjuster has assessed the damage, a report will be filed and you will be directed to the next steps. Providing your policy includes physical damage coverage:

Getting into an accident in Mexico can be a painful experience. However, if you follow the steps above, you can file a Mexican auto insurance claim in no time.

For more information on making a claim in Mexico, please read our claims instructions, which includes insurer phone numbers in Mexico. You can also learn more about what to expect when making a claim in Mexico on our website.