Chiles en Nogada and Mexican Independence | Mexpro

Chiles en Nogada and Mexican Independence

The Birth of an Empire and Its Flag

Mexican flagThe Mexican War of Independence began on September 16th of 1810, with Father Miguel Hidalgo's call to arms, ringing out from the little town of Dolores, in Guanajuato. Over eleven bloody years later, on September 27th of 1821, an army of unified Spanish royalists and Mexican insurgents marched into Mexico City, led by General Agustín de Iturbide. The next day, Iturbide proclaimed that the Mexican Empire had gained its independence from Spain. The following spring, Iturbide was declared Emperor of Mexico, but due to opposition from the Mexican congress, his reign was less than one year. However, during his short stint as the ruler of Mexico, Emperor Iturbide decreed the design of the Mexican flag, with the coat of arms of Mexico centered, and the three vertical color stripes of, green, white, and red.

A Dish to Commemorate Independence

Not long after his coronation as Agustín I, Iturbide visited the city of Puebla. In honor of his visit, and also to honor Mexico's recently won independence, a special dish incorporating the colors of the newly designed Mexican flag, was created by the local nuns. Their delicious creation was Chiles en Nogada, which consists of a roasted green poblano chile, stuffed with a picadillo of meat, fruit and other spices, then covered in a creamy white walnut sauce, and finally topped with red pomegranate seeds. Today, the people of Puebla are still very proud of their poblano chiles that are grown in nearby fields, and the celebratory dish that was invented in their city.

A Delicious Way to Celebrate Grito de Dolores

Chile en Nogada © Nate Watson

Chiles en Nogada is a colorful dish of green, white, and red, that is traditionally served during the month of September, to celebrate the independence of Mexico. However, you can often find it being served in early August, right after the walnuts have been harvested and the pomegranates have become ripened. If you are planning to drive to Mexico to celebrate this year's Grito de Dolores, a.k.a. Mexican Independence Day, don't forget to purchase your Mexico auto insurance before you go, and be sure to try the Chiles en Nogada, when you get there.