Car Insurance for Driving to Mexico | Mexico Travel Info | Mexpro

Car Insurance for Travel to Mexico

Mexpro's MexVisit® auto insurance supplement provides many extras that you may have come to expect with your US or Canadian insurance policy, but are not normally available on a Mexican Insurance policy. Learn more about what is provided with the MexVisit supplement below.

MexVisit Battery Jumpstart and Locksmith Assistance

It is good to have car insurance coverage for Mexico that includes battery jumpstart assistance. Not knowing the area and being stranded can be overwhelming. This assistance provides cables which will jumpstart a dead battery, provided the battery is in good, rechargeable condition. This service on your Mexican insurance policy can be used up to three events with an annual certificate, and one event with a short-term certificate. Our insurance coverage also includes locksmith service for you while driving to Mexico.

Travel Assistance

When you choose to purchase Mexican Insurance with our optional MexVisit® travel assistance coverage in addition to the regular tourist auto policy, your Mexico insurance coverage includes excellent coverage for your vehicle from the finest underwriters. And also included is the best travel assistance coverage available in the marketplace.

Daily rated, Six-Month and Annual Policies

Coverage is available as an option on daily rated, six month and annual Mexico insurance policies.

High/ Quality, Multi-lingual Servicess

Our providers' contact center, with over 40 multilingual operators, medical staff and state-of-the-art hardware and software provides 24/7 case management with live monitoring and digital recording of all incoming and outgoing calls, is available to all Mexico insurance policy holders.

Vital Tourist Information

Our Mexico Travel Insurance provides tourist information such as local immigration and visa policies. This Mexico travel insurance also includes weather forecast; exchange rates; epidemic (vaccine requirements) and sanitary information. It is nice to know the current relevant immigration policies, customs information, weather and currency exchange information as well as warnings and updated epidemic information. Information is made available through the US government for US citizens and other residents. Important travel warnings will be included in your Mexico travel insurance. Public announcements and consular information sheets are available via the hotline for American visitors. Three-way calling and messaging services to contact US, Canadian and other foreign embassies and consular offices can be provided with your Mexico travel insurance policy.

Roadside Assistance

The MexVisit® policy includes emergency roadside assistance. This coverage includes emergency delivery of fuel (times three events). The delivery of gasoline or diesel to the vehicle of beneficiary, if it runs out of fuel, is a great addition to your car insurance for Mexico coverage. In addition to the fuel service, we also cover flat tires in your Mexico auto insurance policy. Tire repairs can be used up to three times, and includes towing if no spare is available. This service can be used up to three events with an annual certificate, one event with a short-term car insurance for Mexico certificate.

Top Insurers

Our Mexican Insurance Companies are the leading providers of coverage for US and Canadian citizens visiting Mexico. Your Mexican insurance policy data is immediately available to authorities. Many consumers believe that they can save a few dollars by purchasing manual, handwritten policies at the border. This may be the case. However, when you purchase online, your Mexican insurance information is immediately available to the authorities. In the event you are involved in an accident, your claim may be handled much more efficiently and you will spend less time dealing with the authorities. We offer the best Mexican insurance coverage available in the marketplace.

Here to Serve You

Included in all our Mexico Auto Insurance coverage policies is a very high standard of care and high level of product knowledge. Our civil liability Mexico auto insurance coverage protects you in the event you cause bodily injury or property damage to third parties. Coverage is available up to $300,000 US with combined single limit for damages you do to others. Lower split limits reduce the amount of payment for certain types of losses. We also offer guaranteed bond and legal assistance. In the event you need to deal with authorities following a covered cause of loss, our Mexico auto insurance policy will pay to assist you.

Get a Mexico tourist auto quote now.