Mexico Homeowners Insurance Glass Breakage Coverage from GNP | Mexpro
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Glass Breakage

Glass breakage coverage replaces glass, a minimum of 4mm thick, resulting from a covered loss.

Glass Breakage Coverage

Glass breakage coverage refers to payment for the replacement and installation of your insured home’s glass, resulting from breakage caused by a loss that is covered by your home owners insurance policy. This coverage includes sliding glass doors, windows, glass block, mirrors, stained glass, glass furniture covers, inner doors, dividing glass panels, sky lights, etc. In order to be covered, all glass, as described above, must be a minimum of 4-mm in thickness.

Maximum/Minimum Limits

The minimum limit for glass breakage coverage is $1000 USD, and the maximum is $100,000 USD.

To calculate the amount of glass breakage coverage needed for your home, condo, or townhome, you’ll want to consider the cost of replacing all of the glass, on the outside, as well as the inside, of your home.

We recommend your limit of coverage for glass breakage be based on the cost to replace all of your glass. This ensures your policy will provide sufficient coverage, even in the worst-case scenario where everything made of glass gets broken at once.

Deductible and Coinsurance

The available deductibles for glass breakage coverage start as low as $500 USD and can be adjusted up to $20,000 USD. We recommend choosing the $500 deductible, to make the glass breakage coverage more useful, by keeping your out of pocket expense as low as possible.

There is no coinsurance for glass breakage losses.