Mexico Insurance Claims–How do they work?
There is no question that when it comes to insurance, no one wants to use it. Of course, it is great to have when a claim occurs, but there is no question that it can be a sticky process in the U.S. or anywhere. Add, dealing with a claim in a foreign country and a foreign language, and you have yourself a mess. Here are a few items of importance for those who need to make claim in Mexico.
The insured MUST report the claim while in Mexico. If an insured returns to the U.S. without an adjuster's report, coverage is void. So it is imperative that the insured reports the claim while they are in Mexico. Make sure you get a copy of the report. It will help you later. Then what happens?
Every insured is provided claims instructions with the insurance policy. Within these instructions there are phone numbers to call for an insurance claim, as well as a travel assistance claim. It is important to understand these are different. The customer must call the toll-free number which takes them to the claims department of the company they are insured by.
The customer will be assigned a claims number, and an adjustor will be dispatched to the scene of the accident to adjust the claim and make a report. Make sure you get a copy of the report.
The customer will also need to make a police statement to the ministerio publico.
The Mexican insurance company will begin the process of providing any legal or roadside assistance, depending on the coverage the customer has purchased.
If the loss is a total theft, MexVisit® can help make arrangements to return to the U.S.
The client will be required to complete certain steps and fill out certain forms in order to be indemnified. Usually this includes providing the title and registration, completing forms about the loss and the insured, and providing estimates if the vehicle is being repaired in the U.S. Usually any delay in the claims process is due to miscommunication between the company and the insured at this point. Keeping on top of what the company needs can greatly speed the process.
Once all the paperwork has been completed, the claim will be sent to an accounting/finance arm of the insurance company who will review the claim and send a check to the insured.
If at any point the insured feels they are not getting the service they expect, they can appeal to Mexpro for help. While we cannot adjust the claim or force a company into payment, usually we are able to identify the issue and help get the claim paid faster.
Claims that are denied are generally due to one of the following:
The insured refuses to comply with the insurance company and provide needed paperwork.
The insured does not follow the claims instructions for reporting the loss in Mexico, provided in the policy.
The insured is committing insurance fraud.
If you have questions about how to make a claim in Mexico, or if you need assistance with your claim, contact today.